Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Drink as Much Prune Juice as You Can

Bonjour! Today we have the results of my experiment on Friday! I had never drank prune juice before, and didn't think it would be that bad, because I do like prunes. Coincidentally, I needed the prune juice because I had surgury Thursday evening, but we don't need to get into that except to say that that is why I have not posted lately.

So, everyone knows that prune juice is supposed to make you poop, right? Well, I found out that it does not include me! How much did I drink? Welllll, uhhh see it tastes nasty I found out, and could only down two eight ounce glasses of the thick, pulpy, opaque eggplant colored ''juice''.

La-dee-dah, I went about my day..... didn't use the bathroom.
La-dee-dah, went about the next day and the next day, and finally, on the fourth day, that prune juice (but by that time it wasn't prune juice, it was Miralax) finally did its thing.

So, in conclusion to the ''Prune juice makes you poop'' myth, I'd say that you either need massive amounts of it -which seems impossible since it tastes so gross- or, just try it when you didn't just have surgery.



  1. dried fruit does the same thing-think yummy pineapple instead of prune juice.

  2. Aww thanks! I love pineapple, I'll try that. ;)

  3. hey, so me and my BFF where reading this, and as much as we love this blog, we really dont believe that you could go into a theater and say all of those things without getting into trouble, but it was ok....

  4. I'm calling BS. I drink Prune Juice whenever I go on a water fast and it gives me the runs like crazy. How can you drink that much fiber/laxative and not have the runs?

    1. I know this was written forever ago but i also have tried everything... i ate a whole bag of prunes about 20 in all ate fiber bars drank prune juice and still nothing... sorry to say it but sometimes you have to attack it from the other end...
