Wednesday, February 3, 2010


This was certainly not a hard task...for I am a serious dancer and am at the studio sweating all the time. The thing that made me laugh out loud though was that I reaked of garlic. Now here is the whole story in order.
I have been sick...Monday through Friday I missed school
My herbalist told me to eat some garlic
I ate some garlic
I still have the awful stench
The thing that really gets me is that people actually notice/d. My own mother was with me at the Central Market and she told me that I smelled like garlic and to back up a few steps because it was grossing her out. Thanks a heap mom. Then when I was at dance we were working on this flip I do...later i told them about this garlic extravaganza. They had smelled it too! My advice, although it may make you feel better...garlic will do nothing to improve you self confidence becuase people will be telling you left and right.
Receive this blessing from our God
Keep me in mind and I will not allow you to being under the awful garlic curse.
And All Gods People Said.........AMEN!

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