Sunday, January 31, 2010

Run Around in Squares

Dogs know best that running around in circles is an easy way to get your mind off anything...and get extremely dizzy. Well today while I was taking my turn I wasnt running in circles I was running in squares. Let me tell you, it took me a minute to recover from that what...its pretty dizzying too.
Not only that but my mind was literally only on the next turn I needed to take. Running in small squares was even harder. You can never seem to turn in the right place so it usually ends up being a circle your running in. Quite frankly it seemed hopeless to me. H-O-P-E-L-E-S-S-!-!-! I think you get it. It just discourages me that dogs can be so much more apt to running in any sort of shape than humans. Well now you know never to try running in circles, it is not an enjoyable task.
A toast to the dogs!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Drive a Tank Into a Movie Theater

This has been embarrassing. I drove a toy tank into the best movie theater in town.

Before I actually completed the mission I wanted to get some feedback from a worker first. A young woman whom I sorta recognized was the only one standing at the popcorn counter when I walked in. I had really wanted two people in there when I drove the tank in so that I could talk to one of them about what I was about to do and hear how they think they would react. The second person would have no idea. A real surprised reaction. Then I could compare the two. I asked the girl if anyone else was working and she pointed me in the direction of the box office. I told the slightly elderly woman in the box office what I was planning on doing and asked her how she would react.
"I'd just tell you not to shoot anything with that little gun on top." She said. I thanked her after she wished me good luck in there, took a deep breath and opened the door to the movie theater.

Kneeling on the ground, I pushed the tank into the theater and drove it up to the counter, sound effects and all. Then I looked up. The girl had an amused looking smile on her face and asked me in a confused voice what I was doing. "Driving a tank into the movie theater." I replied.

"Nice." She said. Nice? How is that nice? Silly, I can see. Weird, even. But nice?

Well, she was that kind of person who says stuff like that, so I didn't give her a hard time.

Of course she asked why, and I told her what I was doing. "Well, I better go write about it." I said, after she clearly was done with me. The few steps I walked out of the theater felt like so many more. At least the woman in the box office congratulated me and wished me good luck on the rest of our list.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dial-a-prayer and tell them they're wrong

Me- AC, what's the phone number for dial-a-prayer?
AC- Uhh, let me look it up. It's 1-800-4HEAVEN.
Me- Thanks.

I dial and get this buzzing excited feeling when it starts to ring.
Then an answering service picks up for this "divine" something-or-other company. I hang on for a minute just to make sure it was the wrong thing.

Okay, don't freak out, I tell myself.

Me- AC? That was the wrong number.
AC- I just found that out to, sorry.
Me- That's okay. I'll look it up this time.

How often do you want to just bow down and worship google?
Jiminy. It saves me every time. It lifts me up when I have fallen. It comforts me when I am sad. Need I say more?

Well, this time I'm prepared for failure or jackpot when I hear the familiar buzzing ring. Then....
A voice. Calling me friend. Telling me they are glad I called dial-a-prayer. I wait breathlessly as the voice goes on.

And on. Ohhhhh. I have come to a realization. As this voice is scripting from the book of Job, comforting me, and expressing it's sympathy, I feel anguished that no real person has picked up! What if I had an urgent prayer? What if I really did need to tell them they were wrong? How in the heck could I tell them?! They made me feel worse than I did to start with. What. A. Bummer. Allors, mes amis, I would advice NOT to dial-a-prayer when you need one, because, rest assured, you ain't getting one.


Apparently I am completely inadequate of Dialing A Prayer. Which surprises me...who knew it would take a genius? Upon trying three numbers I came up with zero results whatsoever. First I did the obvious...DIALAPRAYER which is actually 3-425-277-2937 in numbers. But this is Craig's Phone don't call it =) Interesting man...our conversation went like this:
Craig- Hi this is Craig
AC- Hello, is this Dial A Prayer?
Craig-, I think you have the wrong number
AC- Oh I am so sorry...
Then I called 1-800-4HE-AVEN which is actually not Heaven at all, but the Divine Design retail number...whoopsie! So if you are interested go to or thats what they said to do :0
And the final number that I called is no longer in service according to the cute Verizon girl's recording.
So *shrug of shoulders* I guess dial a prayer doesn't exist, and if anyone knows of an in service prayer hot line I would be happy to hear from you!
Well Happy Prayer Dialing for Now!

OOOH!!! It worked, I dialed a prayer! I didnt think it was possible...well boy I figured out a number that worked for reals :) Haha and wowser that is a nice experience...its a recording and it friggin cracked me up!Here is the number...812-473-PRAY Ha well...I dont exactly know what to say to that...ummm how about
In Jesus' Name We Pray

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Try to ignite water

If you know me, you know I'm a big Audrey Hepburn fan. I wouldn't have thought that trying to ignite water would have anything to do with her, but it did. I should also mention that I
believe in the randomness of life. I won't get into that though. I'll stick to the point.

Trying to ignite water is a pretty stupid thing to try, especially if you're going into it not knowing what the outcome will be. I mean, do I even need to tell you what happened when I put my match in the bowel of water? Right.

Well, as it turns out, I was feeling bummed so I popped in one of the few Audrey movies I hadn't seen yet ( and also the only thing the library had that I hadn't seen yet). Anyways, about halfway into it their car catches on fire. It's almost out when Joanna Wallace (Audrey) pours her bottle of water on it to get the last flames out and the whole thing ignites again! And what's more, then it somehow becomes a big river of bubbles.

But the thing here is, as I was trying to ignite water with fire, she was igniting fire with water, catch my drift?


Monday, January 25, 2010

Think of quadruple entendres

So today I am to think of quadruple entendres. 
Yesterday, I didn't even know what one entendre was, let alone four! So what'd I do? I did what most americans do when they want to find something out real easy.  I googled it.

An entendre, actually a double entendre, is a phrase that can be interpretted in two ways. For example, "We stand behind every bed we sell" can make you wonder if the salesman who sold it to you will be standing behind the bed you just purchased and come nightfall is watching you sleep.  The other meaning you could interpret it to be is they firmly believe in the beds they selling and that they are the best of comfort.
  Triple entendres are seen also, but less so. And quadruple entendres are rare.

So today as I was going about my business I tried to think of phrases that could have four possible meanings. I found it quite easy, so came to the conclusion that I was cheating, or doing something wrong.  I finally came up with one that could really, truly be called a quadruple entendre. Here it is:

She's slipping away.

1.  She is dying slowly
2. She's slipping and sliding to her hearts desire (e.g. "Oh, look at her just slippin' away in those socks!")
3.  [out of a meeting, room, house, etc.]
4. She's losing her mind.

I don't doubt that quadruple entendres will pop up in my brain sometime soon, and I bet I'll be thinking of more so I'll just add them as I go.  I hope all you out there try to think of your own, it's quite amusing.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Give your Goldfish a Perm

 So at this point in my life I don't have a goldfish, wish I did but you know...I already had one and the rents dont exactly want another! Either way everyone is interested in knowing what a goldfish would look like with a perm right? Well I did some research and decided to give a perm to my new goldfish picture pet.... named Rocco! So I am going to give this little guy a perm and post him up here!

So there is my dear friend Rocco the Goldfish with a perm! Enjoy and happy perms!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Hey sorry guys! Time slips away really fast especially with so much going on! I went to Mexico and it was great but had no internet connection! So I plan to catch up with everything asap!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


So another day goes past and I have realized that saving everything till the last minute the day before you plan to go to Mexico may not be the best idea. But I wont let you down, so I may have picked an easy one, SMILE!, but that was somewhat of a challenge for a person afraid of flying. So I smiled anyways I lived up to it and had a big grin on my face all the while! But I do have something to smile about! It is less that 11 hours before I am on a plane departing to Mexico and I am ecstatic! There is a real reason to smile. So if you havent, smile, it can turn everything right around!
Keep Smiling
KJ and AC

Friday, January 1, 2010

474 in 365: The List

474 in 365: The List

Boiling Ice Cream

AC Here, Wowee!!! What an experience. My kitchen smells heavenly like sugar and molasses! So Day 1 our task was to boil ice cream. Now half of my family is dairy free so I, AC decided to use Rice Dream Vanilla instead of your traditional ice cream. KJ will later tell you about her experience boiling traditional ice cream! Anyways, here goes mine! So it wasn't necessarily a science experiment but hey I thought I might give you some fast facts on the characteristic properties of rice ice cream. So I started out with 0 degrees Fahrenheit Rice Dream. I started to heat my ice cream with a medium high gas burner. When the ice cream had completely melted we had already reached 117 degrees Fahrenheit. Then I continued to stir the ice cream and came up with a full on boil at  200 degrees Fahrenheit. It was smelling good, turning into a brown almost candy like substance. This was an extremely fun way to start off the year, I wonder what would happen if you put the boiling substance into molds and tried to make candy? In any case I cant wait for what the next few days will bring!
Final Data-
Starting Temperature: 0 degrees Fahrenheit
Melting Point- 117 degrees Fahrenheit
Boiling Point- 200 degrees Fahrenheit
Tata and Happy Ice Cream Boiling for now!


So, unlike AC, I was using cow's milk ice cream.  Boiling it was also a different experience. I didn't think to stir it. So, it sat in the pot and started to melt immediately. the liquid spread across the bottom of the pan and started to smell like browned butter and sugar. The middle of the scoop of ice cream finally melted and the whole thing was bubbling at 190 degrees. By then, it wasn't just smelling like brown butter and sugar, but also like sugar cookies and vanilla pudding. Cleaning it up is a different story.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone, I hope you all had a fantastic time last night, I only stayed up until 4:40 but hey its something right? :) So starting off this New Years with some fun we are going to boil ice cream!
Blog to you all later!
KJ and AC