Friday, January 1, 2010

Boiling Ice Cream

AC Here, Wowee!!! What an experience. My kitchen smells heavenly like sugar and molasses! So Day 1 our task was to boil ice cream. Now half of my family is dairy free so I, AC decided to use Rice Dream Vanilla instead of your traditional ice cream. KJ will later tell you about her experience boiling traditional ice cream! Anyways, here goes mine! So it wasn't necessarily a science experiment but hey I thought I might give you some fast facts on the characteristic properties of rice ice cream. So I started out with 0 degrees Fahrenheit Rice Dream. I started to heat my ice cream with a medium high gas burner. When the ice cream had completely melted we had already reached 117 degrees Fahrenheit. Then I continued to stir the ice cream and came up with a full on boil at  200 degrees Fahrenheit. It was smelling good, turning into a brown almost candy like substance. This was an extremely fun way to start off the year, I wonder what would happen if you put the boiling substance into molds and tried to make candy? In any case I cant wait for what the next few days will bring!
Final Data-
Starting Temperature: 0 degrees Fahrenheit
Melting Point- 117 degrees Fahrenheit
Boiling Point- 200 degrees Fahrenheit
Tata and Happy Ice Cream Boiling for now!


So, unlike AC, I was using cow's milk ice cream.  Boiling it was also a different experience. I didn't think to stir it. So, it sat in the pot and started to melt immediately. the liquid spread across the bottom of the pan and started to smell like browned butter and sugar. The middle of the scoop of ice cream finally melted and the whole thing was bubbling at 190 degrees. By then, it wasn't just smelling like brown butter and sugar, but also like sugar cookies and vanilla pudding. Cleaning it up is a different story.


  1. Haha! I want to boil ice cream now! I bet it smelled fabulous! :-)

  2. I just went and Boiled icecream. . . it was really fun :D

  3. Great! Thanks for participating and we hope to hear more from you in the future!

