Saturday, February 13, 2010

Learn to Type...with your toes

ol todaayuh i am ledarning tol tyype with my toesw as you can tell it is bit off a challengew....and conbgatysd iif you can reead it5r!!!!@!

Translation: So today I am learning to type with my toes as you can tell it is a bit of a challenge... and congrats if you can read it!!!

So I guess that this is sort of a hard task. Because I am also supposed to physically learn how to do this, I should train myself. So when I can write two perfect sentences in a row with my toes...I will consider that shear accomplishment.

For those of yuouh whoo are gymnastgsv oer dancers, im ould highlhy rfercommeneds lewearingf how bto tued sioth ylou loed.

Translation: For those of you who are gymnasts or dancers, I would highly recommend learning how to type with your toes.

Try Again.....

KJ is a ggymnast..

Translation: KJ is a gymnast.

Now I am getting closer......

Try Again.....

AC, myself, is a dancer.

VICTORY!!! Ok so i have completed one full sentence typing with my toes. Now if I can get this next one perfect I will have official mastered the art.

Cross your fingers because I am sure this is getting a bit old.....

Gymnastics and dancing both require you to point your toes.

YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! i have done it... well for the most part. Either way I have typed with my toes and thats all that counts really. But what I was mainly trying to get across though these last few sentences was that when you are typing with your toes you have to point them alot. So thats why I was saying that I would highly recommend trying this if your are a gymnast or a dancer because honestly my ankles might be sore tomorrow from all this rigorous pointing ;)

Well this has fo shizzles worn me out. I think I should go sleep now...yes sleep sounds like a good idea.
Happy toe typing dreams...or nightmares, dadadadum!


  1. hAhAhahaa oiok om imm edoldpibnn ythde sqqa m,em t gt tthing 4 my wweb bssh0oww.. cdhcccec/ io. h, xcheedc ck iT oljgetg l n hjfjhfdujddetydrfhytbnhpo9[ixdttp:L/ olm frtidayt.

    hahahaha im doin the same thing for a segment about when your bored for my web show. check it out on

  2. i don' t,hink ir ikt woreking foor me
    (i don't think it is working for me)

  3. iiiiiim aaaaamaaszinygh at thios hahja not reakly
