Friday, February 19, 2010

Stack Furniture/ Rotate Your Carpet

We choose our post randomly so I'd like to tell you why I chose today stark what I'm doing.

All week long my brothers have been up for a visit and I'll tell you, they so not clean up after themselves! They left last night and when I woke up this morning I found a list left by my mother of chores and things to do- I'll interrupt myself here to let you know that I was planning on a big cleanup day and the reason I hadn't done so before was because I just had surgury on my elbow.

The floor was covered in dirt, dust, and spilled food.
The counters were piled high with dishes.

We don't have much furniture so I easily stacked the chairs, stools, and this little step ladder on the table. Then I put our two living room chairs on top of the coffee table along with a basket of CD's and magazines and that's all of our common furniture! Then I swept the whole house. Then I redecorated the house by moving the coffee table, the dining room table and rotating the rug!

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