Thursday, February 25, 2010

Read Tea Leaves

It just so happens that I know a wonderful woman tha owns a tea shop downtown. Yesterday, I went down there and asked her if she knew how to read tea leaves, surprisingly I got a negative answer, but ( there's always a happy ending in fairytales, right?)she did have a book about how to read tea leaves that she told me she'd bring in today. So, I picked it up today, took it home and started reading. Now, I don't believe these sort of things to be true, so I hope you take this with a grain of salt also. After carefully reading the instructions, (and skipping over the history and introductions blah blah blah) I carefully made sure I had about a half a teaspoon left in my cup before I swishes it around three times with my left hand and slowly tipped the cup onto the saucer. Then, after waiting a moment for the moisture to "become right" I picked the cup back up and looked inside. It was interesting to try and see different shapes and figures inside my teacup. Here's what I got, it started out looking pretty good with

Angel- good news, especially in fortune and love

Butterfly- success and pleasure

But then I got a cross, I though a cross would be good but-

Cross- a sign of trouble and delay or even death

It gets worse.

Hour glass- imminent peril

Dog (on the bottem of the cup) secret enemies

But it ends on a good note with

Moon- prosperity and fortune

Triangle- always a sign of good luck and unexpected legacies

So, that is reading tea leaves. I'll let you knownif any of these things actually happen!


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